Nuke has long been one of the most challenging and complex maps in both CSGO and now CS2, with its multi-layered vertical gameplay, offering intense opportunities for strategic plays. In this guide, we’ll cover all the important callouts on the Nuke map, dividing them into A Site, B Site, and Mid areas. We’ll also provide some insights on how to execute and defend these sites, both as Terrorists (T) and Counter-Terrorists (CT).

A Site Callouts
- A Site: The main bomb planting area on the upper level of the map.
- Heaven: A vantage point for CTs located on the upper rafters, giving a direct line of sight into A Site.
- Main: The large garage leading into A Site, where Ts frequently push from.
- Rafters: The elevated walkway surrounding A Site, providing CTs an ideal defensive spot.
- Hut: The small building leading into A Site, a common entry point for Ts.
- Squeaky: A door near Hut that opens into A Site, another key T-side entry.
- Vents: Leads to B Site, often used for quick rotations or fast plays by Ts.
- Mini: A small room connecting outside to A Site, often used by CTs to enter the site.
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B Site Callouts
- B Site: The lower bomb site, accessed via vents, ramp, or secret.
- Decon: The door leading from the lower halls into B Site, used by both teams during rotations.
- Control Room: An area adjacent to B Site with windows overlooking the bomb site, a crucial holding spot.
- Ramp: A sloped corridor leading down to B Site, a key point for both attacking and defending the site.
- Toxic: A small room near B Site where players often hide during post-plant situations.
- Secret: A long path that connects outside to B Site, usually accessed after descending the stairs near outside.
Mid Callouts
- Yard (Outside): The large outdoor area where Ts typically execute long-range duels against CTs.
- Garage: A structure near Yard that overlooks the outside area, allowing for CTs to hold angles on Ts.
- Secret Stairs: A pathway that connects Yard to B Site, allowing sneaky rotations or flanks.
- Big Garage: A large building in Yard that Ts may use for cover or entry into Mini.
- T Roof: A spot near T spawn that Ts can use to access squeaky or throw grenades into A Site.
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How to Execute A Site (T-Side)
- Smokes: Use smokes to block off Heaven and Main, forcing CTs to fight on lower ground or rotate.
- Splitting via Squeaky and Hut: Coordinating pushes from both Squeaky and Hut is a strong strategy for overwhelming A Site defenders.
- Fast Vent Drop: Ts can surprise CTs with a quick vent drop to B Site by breaking Squeaky and dropping early in the round.
How to Execute B Site (T-Side)
- Ramp Control: Securing Ramp is crucial for an easier entry into B Site. Molotovs and flashes can help Ts force back defenders.
- Secret Plays: Using outside smokes to conceal a secret push is an effective way to rotate Ts into B Site unnoticed.
- Toxic Play: After planting, hide in Toxic to ambush retaking CTs.
How to Defend A Site (CT-Side)
- Heaven Control: Holding Heaven is one of the strongest defensive positions on Nuke’s A Site, providing visibility across the site.
- Rafters Play: Positioning one or more players on Rafters is essential for holding Ts pushing from Hut or Squeaky.
- Aggressive Mini Holds: Pushing Mini early in the round can disrupt T-side strategies and buy time for rotations.
How to Defend B Site (CT-Side)
- Ramp Defense: As one of the most common entry points for Ts, holding Ramp with utility is key to slowing down B site executes.
- Control Room and Decon: These areas provide excellent opportunities for CTs to retake B Site or hold after Ts have planted.
- Fast Rotations via Vents: Having a player near A Site who can quickly drop into vents allows for fast reinforcement of B Site.
Why Nuke is One of the Most CT-Sided Maps
Nuke has consistently been known as one of the most CT-sided maps in CS2 and CSGO, with its numerous chokepoints, vertical angles, and strong defensive positions (Heaven, Ramp, Control Room). This makes it difficult for Ts to execute clean strategies without coordinated utility usage.
Using these nuke callouts cs2 and csgo nuke callouts effectively can help both teams plan their strategies better.
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